1. Your tits bounce as the lash breaks your resolve

    Data: 28/07/2018, Categorie: Dominazione / BDSM Feticismo Tabù Autore: alfredbjunk, Fonte: xHamster

    Silence girl. You would not be so insolent, if I ran the prison you were in!! For such utter disobedience, your bare arse would get a taste of the lash you would not be forgetting in a hurry. I'd have you dragged to my private quarters by two burly female wardens. Both blonde amazons, over 6ft tall, with powerful swimmer physiques. You would be brought and stood before me. For daring to try to speak, you would get a mighty slap round the face from one of the guards. You howl for leniency as I say give this slut's buttocks a fuckin good hard taste of the strap!
    You whimper as your white tee shirt is torn off and your breasts spring out. You are tied with your wrists about three feet apart up over your head, from a beam and a gym pommel horse is placed just in front of your cunt. You can lean about 2ft forward. The guards continue to roughly yank down your jeans and panties and I say all whuppin's are on the bare here girl!!
    You plead as the heftier guard reaches for the prison strap, as you watch. 3ft of heavy bull hide - 10cm wide with a 15cm handle. I say teach this bitch a hard lesson - count slut! The guard goes 4ft behind you and swings the monster strap back and with a almighty crack, lashes it full force against your soft white buttocks. You stoically squeal one miss. The leather cracks again, you thrust against the horse and your bare butt is already bright red - t-t-two miss you utter. You thrust and howl and your tits bounce as the ...
    ... next lash breaks your resolve as it tears across your butt. Threeeeee missss you scream, your voice beginning to break up. Whooooosh craaack.
    AAAAAaaaaaaaaaarrh t-t-t-that's four miss you scream, as you fight against your ropes sweating away! The hide whups down like thunder again, tearing across your soft, defenceless buttocks and you thrust forward again, your ass jiggling, purple and burning white hot. Euuuuuruururghhhh is all you can manage!
    Enough I say, as you hang limp sobbing for forgiveness. You hang broken as I say take the inmate to the infirmary. She has learned her lesson for now!
    Did you like that fantasy? What is your own fantasy how you would use my wife's hot body if she were all yours for a night or a weekend? Will it be erotic and gentle, or rough, or outright violent? How - for instance - would you interrogate her and extract all secret information from her, if she were your prisoner, a captured spy, in a remote detention and interrogation centre of your evil organisation...
    I invite you to send it to me (by PM or email to
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    ), and I will post the best fantasies in my blog.
    If you need inspiration, check out this blog post:
    and the assortment of vicious instruments depicted in my "fantasy fodder" gallery:
    or the samples of fantasies already ...